A few artists brought slides, and a few more provided jpegs. Since the space had no seating, we brought our own chairs and one or two to share, and Brava's Kim Radatz brought the wine and sodas. Some expressed a little apprehension about the public speaking aspect of it, even though many of us can bluff our way through. I am always nervous too. It just means we don't practice it enough, and these events give us a little more courage, I think. A couple of the artists had to have their arms twisted even to come, but each of them said how glad they were that they did it.
In the future we probably will have to rename these "jpeg jams." I will do a happy dance when slides are no longer part of an artist's life.
This fabulous show is only up for a few more days, so please don't miss it if you can get there.

The opening reception for BRAVA's December show at Arts on the Park in Lakeland, Florida, is November 29th, from 6-9 p.m., during Lakeland's Downtown Holiday Walk-About. The show runs through December 27th. There will be a fun, eclectic mix of new works in various media. We hope to see you there!
The Dunedin Fine Arts Center's holiday show Unwrapped opens November 5th, and is open during regular gallery hours throughout the holidays. Brava's Margaret Conte was invited to participate in this one, so from the rest of us -- Congratulations, Margaret!
Member artists Margaret Conte, Candace Knapp, and Lyla haggard -- will be exhibiting in the oh-so-hip and happening Gala Corina show "Nueva Vida," open to the public from Friday, Nov. 11, 2005, through Saturday, Nov. 19, 2005. For more information on the schedule and for directions, visit the events page. The 2005 roster containing more than 100 artists is available on the artists page.
Brava will be hosting a slide slam, open to all area artists, during the show. This year's artists are invited to come and discuss their work among fellow artists at 7 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 14. This event is open to the public. So invite your friends, potential buyers and anyone else who has an interest in good art. Just be sure to bring some slides of your work.
Martha Marshall's Thursday night acrylic painting classes at Gold Dragon Gallery have been great fun, and they're hoping to continue these in the future. Do let Martha or the gallery know if you're interested in attending a future session.